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🛒 CRO / E-Commerce

How to Increase Your Conversion Rate

One little tweak to your product page can make all the difference in the world — but WHICH tweak, exactly? And how much do you tweak it? The world of Conversion Rate Optimization is our topic in this week's Premium Exclusive — Tod speaks with Shaun Brandt from Oddit.co

How Changing Your "Quantity" Field Can Get You More Sales

New research finds that marketers can dramatically increase conversions by making a simple change to the Quantity field on ordering forms. Tod speaks with the study's author in this Premium Exclusive.

How Default Tip Levels Influence Customer Response

Do I add a default tip screen to the payment flow? And if so, what options should I give the buyer? 10, 20, and 30%? 0, 15, and 20? Science has the answer.

Will Selling on Amazon Hurt Your Brand's Online Storefront?

Tod speaks with Erik Maier, Professor of Marketing and Retail at the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. He co-authored a recent study on the effect of marketplace sales on sales in a retailer's own channels.

How Privacy Notices Affect Consumer Purchase Intent

Tod interviews the co-author of a new scientific research study called "The Bulletproof Glass Effect: Unintended Consequences of Privacy Notices.”

Preventing Shopping Cart Abandonment

New scientific research find that asking people to review product reviews or check out other product pages may be causing people to abandon their carts.

The Perception of Chatbots in B2B and B2C

A lot of research has gone into how consumers react to chatbot conversations, but there hasn't been a lot of study into how the bots make people feel about the company itself... people like investors in the company. Tod speaks with a marketing scientist who studied that.

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